• Question: do you do experiments in schools?

    Asked by anon-227008 to William, Thibaut "Tibo", Harry, Georgia, Emily, Aimee on 15 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: William Wiseman

      William Wiseman answered on 15 Nov 2019:

      We did, we did them at primary school, High school, college and University. They just got more challenging but more interesting as I grew up

    • Photo: Aimee Egglestone

      Aimee Egglestone answered on 15 Nov 2019:

      As in do I go I to schools now and do experiments with them? Yes, sometimes! We did a STEM (science technology engineering maths) day at a school not long ago and did all kinds of cool stuff, like home made lava lamps!

    • Photo: Georgia Orton

      Georgia Orton answered on 15 Nov 2019:

      Sometimes I do go into schools to do experiments but often classes will come to the university to do some experiments and see what it’s like here.

    • Photo: Thibaut Deviese

      Thibaut Deviese answered on 16 Nov 2019:

      Yes, sometimes we go to schools or museums to do experiments but we also like to have schools visiting our laboratory.

    • Photo: Emily Sparkes

      Emily Sparkes answered on 18 Nov 2019:

      I mostly take experiments to museums, festivals and fairs for the general public to do
