• Question: What is the most common element in the universe

    Asked by anon-226601 to William, Thibaut "Tibo", Harry, Georgia, Emily, Aimee on 19 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Aimee Egglestone

      Aimee Egglestone answered on 19 Nov 2019: last edited 19 Nov 2019 5:16 pm

      I believe that would be Hydrogen – Atomic number 1! Making anything bigger requires a huge amount of energy (like at the centre of a star), so a lot of the known universe is made up of Hydrogen! After that Helium – atomic number 2 – is the most common and then, oddly, Oxygen – atomic number 8!

    • Photo: Thibaut Deviese

      Thibaut Deviese answered on 19 Nov 2019:

      As Aimee said, hydrogen (H) is the most abundant element in the Universe followed by helium (He).
