• Question: how many years did you have to spend in university and was it worth the weight to be able to get were you are now in the science industry ?

    Asked by anon-226996 to William, Thibaut "Tibo", Harry, Georgia, Emily, Aimee on 9 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Georgia Orton

      Georgia Orton answered on 9 Nov 2019:

      I did a four year master’s degree in Chemistry at university followed by four years of PhD. During my PhD I did get paid but I was still studying.
      I really enjoyed both courses so for me it was worth it. It has also enabled me to do my current job which I try enjoy.

    • Photo: William Wiseman

      William Wiseman answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      I also did a 4 year masters degree in chemistry however, my 4th year was spent working in a company. I had to do a research project and write up a long report to submit as my final years work. The advantage to this is I was studying and getting paid at the same time, whilst working for a company, gaining experience in an industrial setting.

      After my “Year in Industry” I graduated and was kept on by the company and have been working here in Manchester for 10 years.

    • Photo: Aimee Egglestone

      Aimee Egglestone answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      I did a 6 year masters, because I had work experience and some Chemical Engineering in amongst the regular studying! This has set me up pretty well for my work, and has definitely been worth it, as I really love what I do! I will need to go back to university to complete some kind of Biology related study before I can go into the work I really want to focus my life on – Cancer Research – However I haven’t decided whether to go back and do a second masters (1 year) or a PhD (4 years)

    • Photo: Thibaut Deviese

      Thibaut Deviese answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      I did spend 8 years at university (5 years for my Masters + 3 Years for my PhD). I learned so much and I made very good friends!!!! It was totally worth it and I would do it again if I could.
