• Question: what is the most reactive element in the human body

    Asked by anon-227008 to William, Thibaut "Tibo", Harry, Georgia, Emily, Aimee on 9 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Georgia Orton

      Georgia Orton answered on 9 Nov 2019:

      Normally elements are found combined together to make bigger particules called molecules. There are soooo many molecules in the human body that it would be really hard to know which one is the most reactive.

      Carbonic anhydrase is a really big molecule (enzyme) in places like the kidneys. It is so reactive that it can react 10000000 times per second!

    • Photo: Aimee Egglestone

      Aimee Egglestone answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      There are all sorts of elements in the human body which, in isolation or in different compounds, can react quite violently. You have metals like Sodium and Potassium in your body which can react quite violently with water when they are pure, and there is some Chlorine and fluorine in you as well which by itself can be very reactive.

      You have Hydrochloric acid in your stomach which helps you break down food, and that is pretty reactive. It’s why adults can get heartburn after some foods, and why being sick can leave you with a burning throat. In the lab we use it in a more concentrated form.

    • Photo: Thibaut Deviese

      Thibaut Deviese answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      I think it is more about molecules (made of atoms). There are many key molecules to make the body works. Did you know that for exemple that there are very strong acids in our stomach to digest all the food? The pH is less than 4. This is super acid!
