• Question: why do you like you job

    Asked by anon-226997 to William, Thibaut "Tibo", Harry, Georgia, Emily, Aimee on 13 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Aimee Egglestone

      Aimee Egglestone answered on 13 Nov 2019:

      My job is incredibly interesting, but I think my favourite thing is that my days aren’t all the same. Some days I am in the lab all day, some days I am writing up what I’ve found, some days I am out on plant trying to fix a problem there. Some days I am doing all three or something completely different! I couldn’t stand being stuck inside, behind a desk, completing the same form day in and day out!

    • Photo: William Wiseman

      William Wiseman answered on 13 Nov 2019:

      My job is never the same from day to day. I can be working in a lab today and be in another country tomorrow speaking to a customer about materials I have made for them. Outside of the science part of my job, I get involved in other areas of the company such as the analytical department, trying to confirm what we have made is correct. I work with businesses within our company to train and promote best practice. Its great fun.

    • Photo: Georgia Orton

      Georgia Orton answered on 13 Nov 2019:

      Science is something I genuinely find interesting (not all of it but definitely the bits I’m working on). Some people don’t enjoy their jobs but I actually look forward to coming into the lab every day. My favourite thing is that every day is different and when I have to find new ways to make new chemicals I can be quite creative.
